8 thoughts on “Summer is for…

    • Jeeze, Julia! says:

      Thank you! BFFs are on there. We have a fun summer coming up (in between work, of course).

      See you tomorrow!

  1. Carl V. says:

    Can someone give me an “Amen!”? Although a few of those don’t apply to me (not going to be wearing any dresses this summer…at least I *think* not), so many do and they bring even more things to mind. Summer traditionally (since I became an adult and ‘summer break’ became ‘just that hot time that I still have to go to work’ has not been my favorite, but over the last few years I have made it my mission to keep the griping to a minimum and to embrace what I used to love about summer days and nights. I started running several months ago and now I greet several mornings out running on a nice trail through trees along a river. It is great watching the sunrise and reveling in the early morning temps before it gets too hot.

    This summer will be a time for me to:

    Enjoy summer reading and summer reading lists.

    Make sun tea.

    Glory if fresh fruits and veggies.

    Fire up the grill to make yummy tasting, and yummy smelling, food.

    Make homemade salsa from garden fresh ingredients.

    Eat the occasional ice cream cone while it drips down the sides of the cone.

    Return to Avonlea with my dear Anne girl.

    Make friends and family a priority over hibernating at home.

    • Jeeze, Julia! says:

      Yes! Our lists are not that different. In fact, I made sun tea yesterday! Yes, being an adult during the summer isn’t quite as thrilling as it was when we had nothing to do with our days save for enjoying ourselves. Still, I try to use all of my free time as best I can, especially when it’s summertime.


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